Took a bit of searching (wouldn't recommend this one, as it's got slippy wheels) but something like this is perfect for not leaning on elbows, JohnnyUtah uses one at the office if he's on a long stretch.
Keeps your butt pitched forward, making it easier to sit up straight, worth testing out... though I doubt you'll find one at Staples or Office Depot.. maybe
Hm, considering most of my physical life included shoveling, mopping, cleaning, bending over, there's room for a little jazz in the movements. KB's and mouses, sitting in front of a static device... ever try those hand spring exercisers? Anyway, hope the pain don't come back.
Sounds like you're at the point where custom OLE's come into play.. so nativedragmaster might just fill the bill eh? Cool beans. Good thing NG has been full of nerds since day one, lots of arcane info in the forums, if you should need another perspective. Almost at the 10 year mark huh? Wish there was a badge or medal for that
Nope, not tried it, but I have found something that works. One problem is that my posture's all wrong, it puts too much pressure on the elbows, but it feels good to be in that position :<
Yep. Funny to think time passes by so quickly, My NG account's about 50% of my age now haha