Ah like Bootstrap with HTML/JS/CSS. :) Good to know. Soo what is the plan with this? Will you be making some kind of personal portfolio with the layout? Just playing around?
Actually... now that I'm really looking at the source code it's probably a problem with the JS I'm using to embed the Flash, not the actual Flash itself, maybe doesn't account for versions past a certain point... I'll have to go through it more later. Low on time with this Inktober shizzle. The page if you're curious, which at some future point of time shall hopefully start working again: https://cyberd.org/jukebox/
AS2 btw.
Not sure what Flex is (though the name rings a bell) but it seems related to AIR/Flash, of course I could just Google at this point but...
What's the planned use for this? Can you embed it? Standalone program?
I'm not really catching the use case but fun to read regardless... and hell yeah that's too much... bought my current stationary for a similar amount. Bought second-hand computers for half of that since, if not less. Yeah.
Reminds me of... well that didn't work. Was going to link to a jukebox I made for my site back in the day in Flash that fetched audio files/titles/etc from an .xml file in the same directory, but apparently it doesn't support the latest version of Flash Player now... new times new problems. :/ Would be cool to implement Ruffle on a site outside NG though. Should work fine for pretty much everything I've made...
Flex is a layout and component library for Flash. Like JavaFX or Swing is to Java, or Qt or wxWidgets is to C++, so too Flex is to Flash.
It's mostly a library, so other developers can use it to make applications that have that "draggable and dockable panels" style layout possible. Like in FlashDevelop, or VS Code, or pretty much any IDE these days, dockable panels make organization really neat.
Was the jukebox made in AS2 or AS3? I'm kinda interested in knowing what sort of error it threw up.