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23 and still not a fucking boomer, good job son, good job.

im honored

happy late birthday

thanks dude

Happy late 8395 days of life

Late, but happy birthday, Crouton! <3

Thanks <3

Always thought you were a little older (like Kitty said), guess you're one of those guys thats a natural at being an 'adult in the room', hope it's served you well. Happy belated birthday brother!

Thanks! I have to credit newgrounds for a lot of that. Even though the BBS has by and large relaxed these days, let's just say not many 12 year olds used it back in 2010 without aging some in the process. It's mostly served me well, but for better or for worse, I find I've become quite adept at being a people-pleaser...which has its ups and its downs.

Heeey I turned 32 this summer myself. XD

Happy Belated Birthday man!

Thanks, and happy belated birthday to you too!

Thanks man. :) And you did notice our ages are flipped around hmm...? Cool numerical milestone coincidence and all.

Did not notice that, that's a pretty neat coincidence!

@Cyberdevil Gimmick + Cyberdevil + S3C age = 100 wtf

omg comirnaty confirmed

Thus the 'Heeey' and 'XD' in that first comment. ;) Not that your own Birthday doesn't merit great exclamation too though! But how often does a thing like this happen.

@S3C Oh man! :D Happy 100th to us all combined too then!

Coincidential bicentennial milestone combo up next hmm? Just another 33 years for each...

Damn, you registered an account here when you were about ten? That is some creepy serial killer shit. If I had a ten year old kid register for a Newgrounds account I would probably call the FBI like "my autistic child is into some really weird shit. Put their name on the watch list. This is my fault, I'm a bad parent."


Actually, I would be encouraging my kid to pick up code languages and programming skills but I'd also probably start unfollowing all the adult artists under my favorites list. Did you turn out ok Gimmick? Might be too soon to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My saving grace was that the FBI had no jurisdiction where I lived and the equivalent didn't give a fuck /s

Speaking of picking up programming, my dad had been trying to get me into it ever since I was old enough to use a computer, with all sorts of programs and games aimed at teaching kids programming. ALICE, CeeBot, CeeBot Teen, Phrogram, and none of it stuck because I just played the shit out of the sample programs bundled with them lol. The only thing that actually worked was a series of coincidences and timing - my brother stumbling upon a copy of Flash, the both of us finding out about Newgrounds, _and_ that I could make and upload stuff here.

(I'm sure that the fact that I was older by this point also helped, because while I remember playing the hell out of quite a few games when I was 6, and even playing road rash when I was, I dunno, 3? I don't think I actually had the mental capacity or mindset for programming before that. When looking at code in Phrogram in the past, I think I used to just scroll up and down and search for the preview button rather than learn what the code actually did.)

As for how I turned out, eh all things considered it could've been worse! There are quite a few moments in my teens which I definitely am not proud of but that's part and parcel of being a teenager I suppose. FWIW even though I was left more or less unsupervised on the internet, I guess I quickly became adept at avoiding the bad parts after stumbling upon one too many shock sites lol. There definitely was a lot more risk compensation after knowing the guardrails were off so to speak.

And you don't need to bother unfollowing any adult artists hah. I can't remember the last time I ever looked up my parents' profiles and what they were doing on social media - even if they were on Newgrounds - and I wager any kid would likely think their parents too uncool to look up, so you'd effectively be hiding in plain sight all the time :p

(Not to mention that, well, can you imagine how awkward it'd be to bring it up? Both parties would rather pretend it doesn't exist...)

Is this Wegra? Happy belated birthday btw

I almost feel offended that you'd compare me with Wegra. But you're in the clear, because I literally don't care lol.

@Gimmick it looks like him in the pfp

That's ya boi @TomFulp lol

@Gimmick I must be retarded