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Joined on 8/20/08

Exp Points:
8,430 / 8,700
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Vote Power:
6.96 votes
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Well, here are my thoughts:

- Dividing the experience points is not that good, I would make it so, that you can vote on audio and art, and that it counts to the 5 needed votes.

- Dumping grounds is indeed great and should be used more by other artists

- The forums are great and I use them alot, but you should know that already ;)

- Can´t comment on the API, since I have no experience with it and won´t have any in the future.

- I have also mixed feelings about the scouting system, but only because it lets out unknown users, I guess.

- I like the userpage, but more ways to customize it would be great, yes.

- The collections are barely updated, it´s sad, maybe some people could make it?

Well, that´s all that I wanted to say.

1) Then people won't vote on quite a lot of flash or audio or art and then it'll take longer to pass judgement, maybe? It'll make them lazier as well.
2) Okay
3) Okay
4) Okay
5) But if everyone were given scouts then they could be more widely known, and why not have the same system as the flash portal?
6) Okay
7) I think genre mods are there for that reason, and tom mentioned it'll be up and running after the redesign.
Okay, thanks for the comment!

Only two thins I really have much of a concern about. Voting system and dumping. O

- Voting: There is no leak-proof system for voting. There isn't. I rather keep the 0-5 voting style. It generally shows the quality of a flash (unless abused), allows for a middle ground on certain ideals -- rather than the mindless Like/Dislike feature on most damn content on the web, it doesn't hop the bandwagon of Internet voting (Most hopping from Newgrounds style back in the early 2000s), and is all around traditional and should be one of the things to stay since it has been one of the main pulls since automated portal system has been implemented.
-- You could have no voting, but that would destroy what is THE heart of Newgrounds. You could change it entirely, but it's not broken and there is no leak-proof system, and it would destroy the feel of this site.

Dumping Grounds: I'm not worried so much about the security. But a confirmation email for everything you may delete would be nice, but also tedious. However, I really wish there was more mention of dumping grounds to other artists. So many artists who are in the portal upload these "test" flashes to see how things look, and time to time I shoot them a little email saying "Hey, you know there's Dumping Grounds, right?" And they think me for letting them know because they had no idea. Maybe a little message in the submitting screen saying "Woohoo, test flashes go here". It would be a real saver.

First 2 things: I'm not saying we should switch over to a Youtube-style Like/Dislike system, for that's the last thing I ever want.
Dump: Pretty much yes, but if there was a voting system for the dump, then it'd be better.

Why would I listen to a retard. :P

Well because you're one too, like I said everyone's a retard.

I wasn't saying you wanted to switch to Youtube, but I heard some talk once that Tom thought of the whole like/dislike thing It's just that seems to be the only other form of voting I can really think of.

Anyhow, what would the purpose of the dump having a form of voting be?

Well, Tom thought it was crap. And I can pretty much say every user around here thinks its crap.
So that the person can gauge his/her flash WITHOUT having to go through the flash portal, it won't be popular and it won't be public, it's just floating out there, so if it's bad then no harm done.

I think you should comment on medal approval/denial, as it seems that you'll either be waiting months for approval, and in one of my friends cases, denied before they upload the game. That's bullshit. I agree with a lot of your stuff here.

But they need to know whether it's actually viable, but thanks, I'll update it.

"The rest are just about batcat."

OBJECTION! Batcat is actually part of my newspost, so people stay infact ontopic when they comment on him ;)

The rest are still about batcat.
Anyhoo, it'd count as part of the newspost only if it was a last-resort TL;DR.

I don't know how the hell you're going to re-review Newgrounds again in 2 months. You could just say that you're going to review it after the redesign; that is, in your words, never.

I'm okay with them putting off updating features of the website which I myself have stopped using for a while now, but hopefully they'll input all that time into hurrying it the hell up.

Okay review, pretty explanatory and conventional views but whatever. Didn't know they were re-implementing animated profile images. Hopefully they'll raise the image limits above the ridiculously low 50kb limit.

Review 2: Well that's what I initially thought, so I guess that's the reason why I removed the tag and said it could be a continuation, but since there may only be 2 or 3, I guess I'll do it after the redesign.
Nice observation on the "never" part though :)

The chat is yet to come and I don't understand why it's taking so long -- there are thousands of chats on NG already. Also , the NG Mag is not available, yet it can be accessed through the Flash Portal.

Hopefully, they will.
Thanks for replying!

On the redesign part:
I would like it, when we can choose between the colour layouts, when there will be a blue one, so that everyone gets what he/she likes, although I doubt that Newgrounds will change its famous colourscheme.

Not sure on Unity games, but they could bring in more variation, when I understood it right, there will be one flash portal and one portal for creations that were made with other utilities, I might be wrong, though.

Well, I agree on the things you said about the widescreen layout.

Okay; thanks for commenting!

nice review! Very thorough and detailed. I agree with you about the art portal. There a lot of artists I like on NG but I can't fav them. And yes I'm a retard.

We're all retards, don't worry.

You're copying Asandir.

Would you care to elaborate?
I hadn't seen you until recently, Quick! What happened?

- Flash - A lot of people will abuse voting; you can't stop that. On the other hand, if you take out the voting system, the portal will be filled with crap submissions, spam, one-tween movies, stuff like that.

- Audio - Of course we need the audio judgement by actual people; it may take a few weeks, but this keeps (some) people from just posting stolen audio, noise, or stuff with crappy pre-made loops. Plus judgement only needs to be gone through ONCE. As for making it like the Flash Portal blam/save voting, people would abuse that even worse. You've seen good songs that have a score of zero or near-zero, right?

- Collections/Series/Etc - I agree, some of the stuff there is barely updated. The Games section should be sorted out according to what kind of game it's categorized as in the Flash description, rather than having the staff manually pick and choose what games go where, and organize them either by name or by score. Would be nice.

- Possible Features - If Unity stuff is added, I hope it's better maintained, although I prefer regular Flash games and don't want to see a huge switch. I'm not too concerned about the size change, but there are still people out there who view this on 1000-or-less pixel screen. I like the grey-and-orange color scheme; I swear, if they dare change it...

- true, really. Sad, but true.
- yeah, but 1 system would be good throughout.
- hopefully that'll vanish after the redesign.
- yes :) if they change it, then...

Wowowow We know us? Sorry bro I really forgot who you are, maybe you made some Name change eh?

Nufin muth has happened, NOW is the time things are gonna happen, since holidays just started (mine are just 1 day old =P)

Well....if you want to know, I'm the user with the former username Sanjeev98.