Happy Clock Day Gimmick!
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NOTE: My outbox is full, so I may not be able to reply to PMs directly - might PM a reply via my alt or through comments.
Joined on 8/20/08
Happy Clock Day Gimmick!
Fuck!, I'm late. Happy birthday :D! I'll draw you a circle if you want
u suck @ statwhoring
implying i am a statwhore
14 year olds can eat a can or wieners
So can you
So you practically grew up on Newgrounds huh?
So you practically grew up on Newgrounds huh?
woah I'm kinda late.
You're younger than I thought you were. For what it's worth, Happy Birthday!
Aww, missed your birthday (by like quite a few months ago lol). Hope you had fun, tho! :3
bappy hirthday
...my birthday was yesterday...
Im 18...and you still dont find wats so fun about 14?
Well, im old.
Im a young adult.
Adult is old.
You're still young.
A teenager.
Young is better than old. ;_;
i feel down.
im gonna go watch cyriak videos now.
Happy belated birthday!
gimmick gammack
Being older than you and an adult is fun.
Happy Birthday!
you're late.
By almost 8 months.
Protip: check the date of the newspost before commenting.
I would have commented 8 months ago if I saw this post then. Better late than never. :P
fair enough
Happy belated birthday.
belated by almost a year HURR
Better late than never.
never late than better.
Soup Squad.
Clock Crew.