Drawing. Studying Java.
Trying to spend my free time without wasting it.
Same ol same ol. :3
Thanks for dropping by!
NOTE: My outbox is full, so I may not be able to reply to PMs directly - might PM a reply via my alt or through comments.
Joined on 8/20/08
Drawing. Studying Java.
Trying to spend my free time without wasting it.
Same ol same ol. :3
That's great! I guess part of the reason why I'm not wasting any of my free time is because TF2 needs a huge update and I can't download it right now lmao. Good on you for having self discipline! .-.
BTW did I say your art's really nice? Your art's really nice!
Holy crap! Dude you're only 16 and your knowledge is so advanced! I've only started teaching myself to program since the start of the year (AS3) and I'm 28! I'm so envious of your level of skill that you've attained while so young -_-' I feel so old and behind the times..... Alas, programming is my newfound passion and I don't ever plan to give it up. Since the start of the year I have pretty much spent all my free time (which isn't much these days due to school) plugging away at learning how to code. I love it and can only hope to reach your level some day ^_^ I haven't seen you on the forums until recently but I'm glad you are back and looking forward to interacting with you in the future :)
Aww, thanks :3
I'm not really sure of my level though, I just learn bits and pieces of things here and there.
: I'm glad you are back and looking forward to interacting with you in the future
Yeah! I'm a bit sad I didn't use the forums earlier, they're quite useful, and I look forward to interacting with you too in the future :)
really cool features so far, dude! waaay more that i could've thought of.
i cant wait to see the final product!
you should add gif support btw :>
Thanks! I guess it's technically 'final' since users can do like 99% of the stuff they need to use; the remaining stuff is mostly new (unnecessary? :> ) features and maintenance.
Yeah I'll look into it, in the meanwhile you can use IrfanView or something to convert a gif into its frames or something.
Edit: It's done! You can now import gif files. Don't import large ones, though.
nice! you work fast lol.
I'll have to donate when you release this :>
Thanks! Although the as3gif library had already done most of the work, so I just needed to implement it.
That's up to you, you don't really have to :>
oh wow, that lib is really cool! i had no idea flash had so much control over gif files :O
an i totally will, you deserve it!
Yeah ikr, it's really amazing, bytearray can be used to do pretty much anything i guess :O Although some gif files don't really display so well -- I tried 3 gif files and out of the 3, 1 was sorta corrupted (frames blank or partially missing) so it could definitely use some tweaking in the near future.
Thanks, I appreciate it a lot! :>
ayyy, you got the clipboard and pie menu added! nice!
not trying to give you more work or anything but how long do you think it'd take to implement an "export to JSON" capability? JSON is pretty much treated like an AS3 object in flash, so i reckon it wouldn't take too long, but if it turns out to be more complicated, i could help implement it, if you want.
I haven't really heard of JSON prior to this (well I kinda had but ignored it before...) I'll see what I can do! What other formats do I need to hear of? (2 formats only sounds kinda limiting...)
Edit: Done! Took a somewhat short time because flash had native JSON support, took a bit longer than expected due to rookie mistakes xD
i was going to tell you how easy it was but then i saw your edit lol. i didnt know it had native JSON support until some months ago actually haha
i cant think of any other formats that people use...json and XML are the most popular, so those are the only two i know about and use, heheh
Yeah, good to know that it had JSON support, writing a custom class would've taken way more time than expected haha
I've heard of YAML, XML, JSON and Starling/ATF. Not sure how applicable YAML and ATF would be though, since the first has few libraries for flash and ATF is primarily for images.
starling, of course! i knew i was forgetting one. just looked up YAML though, seems interesting! never heard about it until now. not my cup of tea though lol.
also, for the resizing of boxes feature, there's a REALLY good transform tool made by senocular.
demo: http://www.senocular.com/demo/TransformToolAS3/TransformTool.html
what do you have to complete in regards to the native menu?
IDK if I can do starling, though. It seems mainly suited for images and the like. YAML is more human readable, but takes longer to process by computers. It's more of a mix between XML and JSON.
Wow that looks great! Thanks!
Well I mostly have to complete buttons and windows and such. It's easy to do but it's sooo boring :<
well, even starling users use json and xml. at least, i know mintpaw used to before he switched to haxe, and he was like the main starling guy of NG lol
no problem! also, btw i have a few functions on my github that'll batch build a native menu + items from an array. i made it because i got really annoyed making native menus all the time lol. https://github.com/SnaiLegacy/utils/blob/master/src/NativeMenuBatchExample.as
it saves time and keeps code organized! for me anyway
as for the window stuff i could help if you want :> i know how annoying coding minor things like that can be sometimes lol
Thanks! That'll surely help :D Right now I'm working on general stuff like a splash screen and so on (like Visual Studio's) and I'll try this out when I come back to native menus. Gotta update that post soon :p
By the way, I noticed you were using getQualifiedClassName for each item in the array and casting i to a uint before accessing (since i is already a uint, it's a bit redundant imo) . I'd imagine that'd be a bit slow, you could just replace it with (commandArray[i] as String) or (commandArray[i] as NativeMenuItem) which either returns null or some result. If it's some result (any result) then casting to Boolean will return true. Since NativeMenuItem is not extending String, it will either return null or some result (however, casting something to Sprite and casting something to DisplayObject will be the same since Sprite extends DisplayObject.)
I may take you up on that offer when I require it, thanks :3
I'm intending to release it by Christmas, but I guess that there's a bit too many bugs and unfinished stuff for that to happen. Maybe by New Year's Eve or New Year?
oh wow, good catch! i made that code a while ago (like last year i think) and i never bothered to actually look it over again. you're totally right about both the getQualifiedClassName and uint being redundant (i have NO earthly idea why i did that tbh). i'll fix that asap since i'm actually using it for one of my projects right now.
and yeah, just msg me whenever. i have my last final today and so i'm pretty much on vacation.
a new years release sounds good too. although i cant do any real fighting game debugging without hitboxes haha. i'm still convinced that this is better than me doing it manually though. cant wait to see it in action man :>
side note: i just made my own printf for AS3 (you know, based on the C/C++ printf). it works well, but it's twice the speed of trace from what i can see. not that good at memory management, but i'm looking for things i can change...maybe i need someone else's view on it? can you give it a quick scan? https://github.com/SnaiLegacy/utils/blob/master/printf/printf.as
You're welcome! :D
Ok, cool! How'd finals go? I can give you the current version of ASBoxer if you'd like, currently there's more than enough in there and looks pretty finished, and since next updates are gonna be sorta more cosmetic anyways (with a little more of functional code, but later) you can do it now and export it. I guess I could implement a custom extension, like an FLA or some similar thing that reads the image and the associated XML so that you can continue working on it (aka saving the boxes rather than import/exporting them)
Okay, I'll have a look at it later and update. Gotta get some sleep now -_-
finals were okay, i think i did a decent job. i was really tired afterward and went to sleep at 8PM (and woke up at 5AM :O)
i'd be happy if you could give me the current version-- i've been dying to test out my collision system with it :> also about the thing that reads the image and associated xml, you mean like an ASBoxer project file right? it's pretty much a feature of AIR. you could just make a custom filetype (i.e. projectname.asb or something) by making your own file algorithm. i've done it a few times before using bytearrays. it's pretty easy, so you should have no problem :>
and thanks, i'll be waiting for any input on printf. by the way, you wouldn't know any good ways to get the memory address of a variable in AS3? i have a way, but it requires you to make (and catch) an error using that variable, which is bad :<
Now for the results :>
Okay, I'll upload the most recent version soon. Yeah that is what I was talking about, register one in AIR settings and then use FZip or something to create a compressed file (image+xml/json) and save it as something.asb. I'm currently divided on the format name: It's either "asb", "asf", "bpf" or something like that. Hopefully something unique and still relevant :p
Umm, for that I guess something more low level would be appropriate. I think Alchemy / flash opcodes can be used, but I'm not sure. In AS3 there's no direct method for pointers and so on. It's one of the reasons I'm considering C# and other stuff (also speed). Speaking of which, I really gotta start learning C++, still haven't gotten round to it....maybe when I finish this project :\
Edit: I looked at printf, and there's a lot of duplicate code -- most of the checking is just if it's uppercase or lowercase. Instead of comparing all possibilities, check if the string currentSpecifier is the same as currentSpecifier.toLocaleLowerCase() and if it's not, then it's uppercase. Also, there's a lot of use of indexOf, I don't know how fast that is and maybe it could be sped up using the "fromIndex" value because it's essentially searching the string again and again instead of from the last specified index (didn't get much of a speedup though). Function lookups, while they're convenient and neat, are slow, sadly -- the fnumber class is kinda useless since they can all be inlined (well, except for toHex()) and it speeds up a lot. The same functions can be returned just by using the inbuilt toPrecision(3) for Number (3 dp), toString(8) + a trailing "0" and toString(16). No idea about the 0s before, though.
I've made some modifications, and it's gone from 14 ms to 5 ms per printf call. However, I do have to fix it since I've 'broken' something on my copy -- it goes into an infinite loop. I'll pm you when I finish working on it.
Although it isn't that big a slowdown, because you're using trace as well - just try calling trace() a hundred thousand times! The flash player will crash in debug mode, because it is slow as hell. If you return a string, it's not _strictly_ printf, but the user will have the choice whether to store it or to trace it, and it'll be miles faster and stabler. Oh, and there isn't much of a noticeable slowdown unless you're calling it a hundred-thousand times each second!
Oh and by the way I've sent you a PM of the source! You can't resize boxes yet -- the TransformTool class? Yeah I tried implementing that, but apparently there's no ControlSetStandard class in the source, strange. Missing files - missing code!
That's awesome!
Good luck Gimmick!
Thanks! Long time no see dude, what's up!?