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~4 Years of ASBoxer: To Concurrency and Back

Posted by Gimmick - October 2nd, 2018

It's been almost four years (less 2 months, to be precise) since I first announced work on ASBoxer in the Newgrounds BBS. Well, for those of you who were paying attention anyways. Ever since then, it's been a damn near neverending quest for the red dragon. Countless time was lost in adding new features and making things look snazzy, all the while ignoring the base concept of time to market. Not that I'd have sold it anyways...not if it were so rudimentary. I have "standards", you know. (Yeah, right.)

In the meantime, a lot of stuff has changed. A lot. The entire tech landscape changed, swiveling towards the internet. AIR all but lost significance, as if it didn't already. Somehow, fucking JavaFX of all things became slightly more relevant. JavaFX. Not that I'm complaining - it's a swanky runtime - but it was pretty much an abortion from the get go thanks to Oracle and somehow that managed to become more popular than AIR. And I'm happy for it. I might use it in the future (just not for ASBoxer, because it's a nightmare to port anything from one engine to another, and a useless value proposition at that)

Other things apart from tech happened too. Too many to count, and the past four years have honestly just seemed like kind of a...haze to me. It's hard to believe it, but yes, I am "that" age where life seems to just pass by fast (the days go by slow, but the years go by fast, you know the rest). 

Kept adding more features to ASBoxer in the meantime. Skinning, custom components, localization support, you name it...all with nothing to show for it in reality. As far as y'all were concerned, I just had screenshots from a bygone era, and nothing more. And that's true. It's vaporware, by this definition. Something that should have taken a year...then two...then three...now galloping on to four and with no signs of stopping.

In the meantime, I also made the - I believe - one of a kind (for AIR, that is) AIRDock because I'd not found anything like it. Making that helped me a lot in designing and learning the value of good design practices, something that I'd shirked when making ASBoxer because I just wanted to code, dammit. Who needs planning? I know the code anyways.

Hah. As if. Once I came back to ASBoxer, with a new insight, I realized having a 10,000+ LOC in one file was probably not a good thing to be proud of. Thankfully, it was not spaghetti, so I was able to get back to it relatively easily, but let's just say that it won't be seeing the underside of 8,000 anytime soon. I added concurrency (background worker, technically) support because the main thread was too damn slow for running processes. That was a crapshoot of lost messages and faulty coding and testing. Ultimately, I forgot the meanings of the messages I'd used in the code and everything related to that had turned to spaghetti (thankfully, just restricted to that area alone). It still exists in incomplete form, haha.

Now? I'm still working on it. No way in hell I'm giving it up, even if it's the comatose dog lying on the road after its untimely rendezvous with a high-speed car tyre. I've had a lot of fun making ASBoxer, and it's taught me a lot, and gave me a lot of joy - albeit rather double-edged at that - while doing so. I'm still running around breaking things fast - but early; better now than later where it really counts. I've planned to migrate away from the custom zip file format and instead use a fixed database to support easier asynchronous operations; in so doing, hopefully import/export operations will be able to return to the main thread again, back from the land of concurrency (to be fair, it is hard, and even more props to those who get it done right). After that? Maybe. We'll see. 

And for reading this far, here's a rather old Imagine Dragons song. Never really a fan of them - really the only two songs I heard from them were this one and Thunder (IIRC) but it's a nice song, I guess.

S/O to @PsychoZombii, if you're still here dude hit me up let's chat sometime



AYY whats up gimmick! long time man. I'm not on NG that much lol but its crazy that you're still working on that application! i'd like to see how far it's come sometime. do you have facebook messenger? or maybe twitter? i'm usually on those :)

Yeah, I do! I don't use it much, but I guess I could get started. What's your Twitter?

I'm not sure I'd read about this project before this post or know exactly what the post is about even now that I've read it but I have read it now... and it was an interesting read. You can do it! I do believe.

Time really shouldn't be going that fast way back at 20 should it? Seems like more of a thirties thing.

Thanks! Things just seem to be getting kicked back every time it seems like it's nearing completion. You know what they say about the last 10%, taking 90% of the time and all that.

I don't know, maybe? My memory seems to be partitioned into slabs of six months for the past four years so it feels like a lot has been condensed into very little. Of course, if I spend time trying to recollect what happened I'll usually remember, but it feels like it's passed way, way quicker than the same four years in, say, high school.

If it's gone this fast now, who knows what it'll be like when I'm in my thirties? :x

Yupp yupp, I know all about that. Though in my case also seems the first 0% takes up a fair share. Big problem just getting started... or getting things going again if I'm not consistent.

In a weird way it sometimes seems time both slows down and fills up faster though. Experiences last longer and yet... the time's full. There's no room for anything extra, even if it doesn't feel like you're doing more than usual. Strange ways perception plays late days; picks up on routines you don't really need. I think if you just take some time to slow down and sift through tasks you'll realize some of them should be easy to throw away. Been planning to do that some time now but time just keeps rolling...

Your thirties are finna be awesome either way though. :P

True, I don't even know how I managed to get this far on the project haha. When I tried recoding it I lost patience within two hours and went back to editing the original :P

Exactly. You remember some things that you never thought you would, and forget some that you try the hardest to remember. Memory works in mysterious ways.

Fingers crossed, and same to you! It's a ways away yet, though :P

True true. Age-related wisdom seeping through this comments section. XD If you can master mind control: imagine how limitless life'll be...

Thank you! Good luck!