Yay. I'll get my results in 10 days. Rather easy, fwiw.
Edit: Apparently it's a month, not 10 days. Bah
Edit 2: Got my results! 99.50 / 100, hooray!
Compréhension de l'oral: 25/25
Compréhension des écrits: 25/25
Production écrite: 25/25
Production oral: 24.50/25
I have signed up for A2 :]
Ah, the DELF. They only have two exams for it now, whereas in my day it used to be 4.
En tout cas, félicitations ! Entraîne-toi pour les prochaines épreuves.
I guess you mean the DELF and the DALF? Which 4 exams were they in the past?
Merci! Je vais passer le DELF A2 le lundi prochain (...mais ca serait plus difficile que l'A1...)