It shows a picture of Ross Fenton burning a body.There's not much detail to it and it looks a bit too cartoony and some parts consist of basic shapes that are just colored in with gradients.
For example, the table is just two rectangles stacked on top of each other, and have two rectangles inside them which contain yet another shape, the circle. It just looks as if it's staring right at me, and doesn't show the same "3d" effect as Ross and the other things; their shadows aren't visible either.
The fire is supposed to be a light source, and yes, you did a good job on the light part, but it's too small. A raging fire should have a larger radius of illumination, and here since it's just 550 x 402 pixels, it doesn't cover a lot. Try switching from linear to a radial gradient for a better effect, with just a tinge of black shadows here and there, like you did with the burning body.
Talking about shadows, there's a long black body that's presumably the shadow of the burning body...but what is it? It seems like the silhouette of the head of a dragon, or a dinosaur, or something...but it sure as hell isn't a burning body: it's too close to the fire, or rather in it!
The "tear" of the wall paint, or structure, or whatever that thing on the top-right corner is, is a bit smooth. Not that it's bad, but it's also not good, because if you have a tear in the wall, and you're trying to fill in as much detail as possible, then generally you shouldn't have a smooth area; go more for the rough, jagged edges, with the frame of the said "wall" not being basic shapes, but rather being jagged as well. Nothing's perfect, after all, and this comes under it as well.
The person isn't drawn bad, I can see the blood "spatter" on his forehead, with some gray stuff -- is it ash!? -- smeared on his face, with a look of surprise and agony clearly visible. Not bad, but if it were a real live person that's being burnt, then he'd be flailing his hands as he's trying to get rid of the ropes that bind him to the pyre, but if it were a dead body, then its head would just kind of stay, with the forehead hitting the edge of the pyre...I don't know, because the author comments say it's a body, so I naturally presume it's a dead body, otherwise it'd be called a burning person.
On to Ross Fenton. His expression is cool, calm and smug, slightly smiling, as he's presumably burning his arch-nemesis? I don't know; but if he were an evil guy, which I assume he is -- I've never heard of him before -- then he'd have exactly that expression, so good job on that. His shadows are also not visible, mainly because he's in the dark, but if he was then he'd appear a bit...darker than he'd normally be. His shirt is heavily lined with gradients, although it's not obvious at a casual glance. The collars are not the same; their gradient colors are in opposing directions, away from the general direction of the gradient of the shirt, which is really odd...I'd go for the front-most part to be light and the back part dark, but clearly it's light around the edges not the opposite.
The fire is drawn nicely, with strokes of flame swirling out as they rise in the correct directions; they also overlap any things behind them, and give out a white "puff" of something, maybe steam?
The plaque is well drawn, with appropriate decoration given around the edges, and a brief outline of black; there's even a shiny coat on the picture! Nice. However, in comparison to Ross Fenton, it seems as though it's placed very low, around hip height. Generally, they should be high up.
All in all, it's not a bad drawing; it's quite good, but it looks too cartoony to be true. There's detail given to important parts, which I like. Not bad, keep up the good work. Anyhow, there's not much space left to finish.
~~ Summary ~~
~~ Good points ~~
1) Detail given to body, fire
2) Nice rendition of Ross
3) Overall good drawing
~~ Bad points ~~
1) Desk didn't have 3Dish effect
2) Desk consists of basic shapes
3) Person isn't panicking enough
4) Smooth tear on wall
5) What's that shadow?!
[Review Request Club]