
209 Game Reviews

41 w/ Responses

Trapped Forever



It was a good game, that. But, here are some tips:
> Do NOT put flashing strobe lights. I do not have epilepsy, but for the ones who do have it, dull your monitor first.
> Make difficulties, ie easy, medium, hard and EXTREME!!
> Levels were way too easy. Just hold down the left mouse button and you should go through okay.
> Don't let the ship auto-fire. Let the user fire when he wants to.
> Lower the framerate. It creates a strobe-light effect (see #1)
> Change the font. It might look "cool" but neatness is also required.
> For the mail link, use a getURL("mailto:zhoutou713713@gmail.co m", "_blank", "POST") statement.
> What's that "Sound" thingy doing there? Is it a button? If it is, then make a "play" button so that you can click on links.
> Differentiate between O and X (X is no, O is yes) and refer to neatness.
> Probably a detailed life bar, instead of 3 hearts? I was waiting to get 2 hearts from 3 and I suddenly got 1 when I wasn't looking.
> Try to correct these things. Apart from the above errors/statements, it was a pretty addicting game!


A few words...

This game is not good. It is so boring, so laggy, and it taxes my mouse. It is also a HUGE game for a demo. Plus, it is not so good for a game you have to pay for. I don't think many people will buy this, unless they're gullible people who understand everything from word of mouth alone and shell out bucks.

To improve:
> Make a better concept.
> Lower the size.
> Decrease the cost, if not already decreased.
> Allow keyboard control.
> Have better graphics.
> Difficulty (real difficulty, as in no complications in easy mode, complicated in hard mode)
> Stop deleting reviews JUST LIKE THAT!!!!


Finally helped me understand cell structures in Biology! And to think I had been going over it for 2 days, not understanding a single word of it and now I understood everything in a jiffy! Why can't schools teach things more in this way? I have added this to my favorites, and am going to tell my teacher about it, for that is the least I can do for such a wonderful project.

I wonder why....

Why did you have to put those flashing lights? I got a huge epileptic siezure!
Note to other people who suffer from epilepsy: DO NOT CLICK ON THE DANCE BUTTON!!!!!


The attack Lv.3 for the 1st guy reminds me of lionheart in FF8. Keep up the good work and animation; I added this to my favorites!

Needs better graphics and a PROGRAMMER!

Needs better graphics. If you did it in college, then I wonder how you did Flash in school.
Some parts were buggy and the exits were not colored properly.


Reminds me of Final fantasy... battle system was almost 100% like FF except you should have had ATB.

Nice game "maker", but here's my review:

The game concept was nice, creating a game maker which allowed you to make games, have good graphics, etcetera, but here is the review:

Salient points:
> Nice concept.
> Good music.
> Buttons....ooohh,...*shiny*!
> Import and export level ability

> Poor planning. Items jutting out of grid.
> Ripped off graphics look... the fire looks like a GIF with its lightning speed animation, it didn't look like a real fire.
> Frame rate too high..
> Crappy font...my eyes bled at the red text-in-blue-background-for-the-main-
menu part.
> Crappy graphics...see #2.
> You can still add the same type of tile even while you're playing....I don't think it's supposed to happen...
> Character can't jump....editor has to add lot of trampolines....lot of trouble...
> Bad sound effects....
> No character change ability...

In short, I think I know why you have so many music files within this: I've noticed that most flash games are voted nice only because of their music. Nad the more music, the higher that chances of it being voted 4/5. So, this might have been a crappy game with a lot of bulk surrounding it. I don't know why people give this a good rating..

In short: IMPROVE!
What I'd like to have: Better font, better graphics, better color choice other than red-on-blue background, better sound effects, lower framerate, no ripped grahpics, and the list goes ON!

Great Game!

Salient points:
> This game is 3d, and a good 3d game too, not many games are in actually *good* 3D condition.
> Reminds me of the good old Mario Kart...
I'm gonna add it to my favorites and download it! Had a good PC so experienced no slowdown!

P.S It could have been multiplayer, and if it was then it would be a competitor with Project Torque :D

Thanks for dropping by!
NOTE: My outbox is full, so I may not be able to reply to PMs directly - might PM a reply via my alt or through comments.



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