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Joined on 8/20/08

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Gimmick's News

Posted by Gimmick - May 10th, 2011

I need some new ideas for a game.

Posted by Gimmick - May 6th, 2011

New icon, and new username, even though not so obvious!
I've understood that people are auto-rating my flashes down, to bring their scores down, for some god knows what reason -- something with a score of 3.0x, now brought down to 2.7.
Why does this happen? Is it because they're jealous and want their flash to be good, or is it just because they plain hate me for some past grudge they "somehow" remembered?

Still, I'd like to tell you that now I don't really care for high scores (but I do like it if they're above 2.7, thank you) and thus I'll just submit flash that I made. I don't care for the quality, I'll try to make them great, but I'll just make it great-looking and leave the public to decide.
I'll also post regularly on the BBS and deposit experience points (which I have been doing ever since 2010)

In the meantime, I'll put up this image I made, which is to be used in my past / present / future flash projects:

<--- Updates --->

Posted by Gimmick - April 8th, 2011

It's going to come out sometime soon, hopefully on my birthday, and the next version 5.01 gamma (after 5.0001.1 delta) will have minor changes.
Soon, array hittests will be added and blocks can interact with each other, hopefully =\

Posted by Gimmick - March 25th, 2011

950 days since I joined! YES!

Posted by Gimmick - March 20th, 2011

As you may know, tri-circle recently announced that he'd be making user graphics such as profile pics and signatures for free, for a limited period of time, and so I just decided to ask for a sig, and it was great, and well worth the wait!

Therefore credits to my (new) sig is to tri-circle.
Here's his news post about it

Posted by Gimmick - March 11th, 2011

So I've made some signatures for the BBS (Anyone who wants one can PM me)
There are some for auras Light, Dark, Evil, Fab, Neutral and even Gold! (Mod)
I've included them here as an example:

BBS Signatures

Posted by Gimmick - March 4th, 2011

I'm currently teaming up with OzoneStudios (OzoneMonkey) to make a game.
Here it is
It's part of my school project, lol.
OzoneMonkey is really my friend IRL.