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Joined on 8/20/08

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Gimmick's News

Posted by Gimmick - June 22nd, 2011

As of lately I've seen an influx of flash games that are from certain...whatyoucallit "companies", that are guaranteed to give a save point. I've seen an alarming trend of certain websites/companies/whatnot host gadgets over here on newgrounds, almost guaranteeing a save point for everyone, and nobody can do anything about it.
Just throw in an official-sounding username, say HappyFatties, throw in flash with a small logo, and you've got yourself a saved flash. Of course, the quality still matters, but I think that I'm not only speaking for myself when I say that some people (shamefully, I'm in one of those) vote only after getting a first impression of the flash, say if it's a movie, and the art is good, I vote 2, regardless whether the animation's bad or not because the art certainly is.
And of course, we've got the dressup games...
Sigh...dressup games were once good, once okay, especially if you spent a lot of time on them, incorporated medals (such as Matt Roszak's mecha dressup) and you'd get a good game made out of love.
Now, that small art is being tarnished and raped horribly by users such as "igirlgames" and "dressupgames77" and others...it's as if they threaten people at gunpoint to create art and then just throw in a different UI, but with the same template, and then it's on its way to the flash portal.
Of course, we don't do anything because we still get a save point.

I bet you that if you PM one of them then they won't reply....I shot off a pm 2 months ago and they still haven't replied.

Posted by Gimmick - June 17th, 2011

So, before it was Sanjeev98, now it's Gimmick, whaddya think?

Posted by Gimmick - June 17th, 2011

This is a repost of my 35th entry, mainly because I don't know how to reorder blog entries.

I think I might not be joining the game jam (as I never did) for one or more reasons:

(o) I'm too busy (school starts on the 13th and it had to be on 19th)
(o) My coding skills aren't that good (I don't know what is acceptable though)
(o) I don't know anything about the game jam (except that I have to make a game, duh)
(o) Most likely teams will reject my offer (either found a better replacement or just think I'm too bad)
(o) There might be slots for programmers that are already filled

Still, I've just PMed tri-circle (rather ToastedToastyToast) and even though I know he's a programmer, I'll just see what happens, whether he'll accept or not, because I don't know how good he is compared to me (likely better than me)

So, for now I'm kinda hanging in the balance. Only time will tell what happens.

NOTE: It's decided. SilverPenguin is the artist and I'm the programmer. Collab organizer: Narcissy, except he's on another team.

Posted by Gimmick - June 15th, 2011

Let's settle this.
Rock, paper or scissors?

Posted by Gimmick - June 14th, 2011

The first time I met newgrounds was just a year after I had "discovered" neopets, and my brother introduced me to it (He was 11 at the time). Coincidentally, he had "discovered" flash at round about the same time, and ever since I found out that I could submit flash to newgrounds, I started learning it and signed up instantly to make sure I didn't miss out on anything.

The real time when I actually started "learning" flash was when he was making a small beat-em-up and was stuck at a problem; I suggested something -- I didn't know anything about it at the time -- and magically, it worked.

Soon after, I found out AS2 was very easy to learn (self explaining code) and so I started creating flash. I occasionally tried to draw, around very early 2009 (I was still 10 at the time) and guess what? No surprise, I failed. People didn't want to see my userpage, and they didn't know who I was either. I got PMs from people stating that some of them hated me and that I should leave, but as the person I was and is, I just continued.

Later on, in late 2010, I faced an issue : I was level 9, I didn't feel like going on Newgrounds at all, and I felt like plain quitting; I had submitted good flash, and then got some good scores....as well as PMs from users who liked my flash. Of course, my flash skill had improved since 2008. I wouldn't actually want to quit, so I just didn't log on....for 6 months.

That, was the time I realized the BBS. I had logged on to the BBS before, but at that time, I was highly discouraged from posting , and I didn't feel the need to actually go there; I was considered a noob, pond scum, whatever you wanted to call me. Later, I just decided to use the BBS again, because there was nothing else to do, and I was truly bored -- remember, this time I considered newgrounds as every normal site -- so I thought, "hey, since there's nothing to do, why not just browse through the BBS? It's been 2 years!" and since that, my life on NG changed.

I got a tip from some users about apparent "post counts", and so I was suddenly, out of the blue, from nowhere, known by little, to a mass-poster on the BBS. (Specifically, I think Narcissy was the one)

After the first 1000 posts, my posts per day decreased, and I heard of the 10k forum. I then felt like shooting for it, and so I started to post again, this time my interest for Newgrounds increasing cumulatively, but at the same time taking post quality into account.

Over time, I became known to Newgrounds. Of course, I recieved my fair share of bans as well, and I think it amounted to 25 days in the whole of 2011 (for now), and not all so-called "publicity" I recieved was good -- every flash that I submitted now on was zero bombed, bringing the score from 3x to 2x, but I'm fine with it, as long as they're over 2.7.

4 months later, in 2011, I met Asandir. At that time, I had 2000 posts and him 700, but I don't know what happened, and now he's overtaken me. Of course, I'm fine with all this, albeit a little jealous, and now I'm "his good friend", along with bilalz, and about almost every other user who has frequented the BBS.

If you read all of this, props to you, and if you felt like zero voting my flash, go on, if you feel jealous, go on, comment what you thought about it, flame me in the comments, or the BBS, or by PM, or do anything, but for now I am what I am.

If you want me to appease (or eliminate, your POV) your appetite, I present to you a bowl of piping hot broccoli soup. (I like broccoli soup but this picture may make you vomit, view at your own risk)

The story of me

Posted by Gimmick - June 10th, 2011


It's my birthday! I'll be releasing a frontscroller* sooner or later to mark this , and I'll be building upon it incrementally. Don't worry, I've made the variables easy to understand (they explain themselves)!
Just a sneak peek of the features: (Examples will be shown later, and even though it's not at all good compared to other things out there, it's just a little homemade engine in alpha state.)

[+] Move using UP and DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT to strafe
[+] Can attach obstacles
[+] Amount of objects spawned adjustable
[+] Swaps depths according to size (May make SWF flicker)
[=] Moving out too much can result in absurd relations of distances

It's not much , but good for a start...I guess. If I ever got around to AS3, I'd scrap the current AS2 engine and start a real 3D FPS engine...sooner or later.

* A frontscroller is similar to a 3d fps except you can't turn left or right, only strafe.

Posted by Gimmick - June 9th, 2011

In advance

Posted by Gimmick - June 7th, 2011

Is a good but tough game

Posted by Gimmick - June 4th, 2011

The user you all knew as Sanjeev98, is a 12 year old.
Newgrounds has been a wonderful experience for me, from the time I joined when I was 10, to now, and I've made a lot of friends ever since, and also racked up some enemies, although they're not enemies anymore.
It might be strange but~~~~
(Brrip sound effect)

Wait a second; I'm not leaving this site and I will never, what the hell were you thinking?
Also, that's (12 year old thing) set to change, as my birthday's on the 10th of this month (june)

Posted by Gimmick - June 4th, 2011

This is a repost of my 35th entry, mainly because I don't know how to reorder blog entries.

I think I might not be joining the game jam (as I never did) for one or more reasons:

(o) I'm too busy (school starts on the 13th and it had to be on 19th)
(o) My coding skills aren't that good (I don't know what is acceptable though)
(o) I don't know anything about the game jam (except that I have to make a game, duh)
(o) Most likely teams will reject my offer (either found a better replacement or just think I'm too bad)
(o) There might be slots for programmers that are already filled

Still, I've just PMed tri-circle (rather ToastedToastyToast) and even though I know he's a programmer, I'll just see what happens, whether he'll accept or not, because I don't know how good he is compared to me (likely better than me)

So, for now I'm kinda hanging in the balance. Only time will tell what happens.