Whoweee, this has been a...strange year to say the least. I'd like to say it was a whirlwind year, but in reality nothing much has happened. As such, this section will not be very long.
The end of last year marked the start of ASBoxer on suggestion of user @PsychoZombii, during a time when I had a lull in my programming - so thanks @PsychoZombii for helping me overcome my programming block! Ever since then, there have been a number of changes and improvements to it. It's slowly coming together, but there is the issue with its release - there's no specific date, as I don't want people to keep saying "it's been <x> years since <y>...when is it coming out?" (although that's still better than no interest in it, I guess). I guess I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.
This year, around the middle, marked my entrance to university. I don't think many will know it even if I told them, hah, so I won't write it. If you really want to know, PM me or idk, doxx me or something. Whatever. As a result though, I had markedly less time.
Then there was also the case of the floods in my state...and I know I'm revealing location info, but again, whatever. It caused a lot of hassle to other people - luckily for me, I wasn't affected too much except for my semester exams being postponed to 2016 January since the campus got absolutely flooded with water haha.
Ooh and I'd also like to get this out there - my laptop suddenly stopped boring and instead started showing a black screen. Oh well, RIP you Acer laptop you served us well. At least I had my backups. Speaking of which, backup everything at least thrice, people!
Apart from that, nothing much noteworthy happened this year, I guess. Here's to 2016.